Spring Concert Quavo x Hot Chelle Rae
Note: There is a limit at 4 tickets per person for this event.
This event is open to specific members only. You need to Sign In
You will be able to purchase either a regular ticket at $20, and you are responsible for getting yourself to the Royale in Boston MA for the show. The other ticket you can buy is $25 which will include a bus ride to and from campus. Supplies on both tickets are limited.
First week of ticket sales will be for Undergraduate Students only! Graduate Students and BOW students will be able to make ticket purchases starting on March 7th.
Royale Policies (Read This Carefully!)
All guests must have a physical valid US driver's license or valid passport (international passports accepted)
There will be a jacket check upon entry and a quick pat down
All bags will be searched and no large bags or backpacks will be allowed. Nothing larger than 10”x10”
This is a dry event meaning no alcohol will be served at the venue
Do not show up drunk or even buzzed. Do not get out of the bus, rideshare, etc. with any alcoholic or non-alcoholic containers. No open containers in line or drinking anything in line. All alcohol will be confiscated. Royale staff reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone
All alcohol and narcotic laws will be strictly enforced. Royale has zero tolerance for drug use or possession
If you are found impaired at the door, regardless of age, security will not allow you to enter the venue. Royale staff reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone
Smoking/vaping is not permitted anywhere inside the venue. You will be asked to leave if found violating regulations
Please note the following:
No outside food and beverage allowed into the venue *unless for medical reasons
No professional cameras or recorders
No weapons (this includes small pocket knives, pepper spray, utility knives, razor blades, etc.)
No markers or stickers
No flashlights or laser pointers
No drugs or paraphernalia (prescription drugs will not be allowed into the venue unless they are in a prescription bottle. The ID of the person holding the prescription must match the name on the bottle
For the full list of Royale’s policies and FAQs, visit their website
Royale staff reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone. CAB is not responsible for your transportation back to campus if you are not allowed entry
Required Items For Entry
Physical Babson OneCard or Babson host with a physical OneCard
Physical valid US driver's license or valid passport (international passports accepted). No international ID cards. This event is 18+
A photo or copy of any of the ID forms mentioned above will not be accepted. We need the physical ID
Digital or physical Spring Concert ticket
Photos of tickets will not be honored. Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferrable (no exceptions)
CAB Perks
CAB collaborated with Babson Dining to create a menu for dinner in Trim. CAB will pay for all concert attendees without a meal plan for dinner (see attachment for the menu)
CAB will be offering a complimentary coat check for students
CAB will offer complimentary and unlimited soda/juice/water for concert attendees
Door/Show Times (There is no re-entry once you are checked into the venue)
6:00pm Doors
7:00pm Doors Close (no exceptions)
7:00pm-8:00pm Hot Chelle Rae takes the stage
8:10pm-9:10pm Quavo takes the stage
End of Show: Busses leave for campus
Accessing your ticket:
On the Belong.Babson.edu website
Sign in with your school credentials on Belong
On the left hand side bar, hover over “My Activity” and click on “My Events”
Select the “Spring Concert” event
Click on “Print Ticket” to download your ticket
On the Belong.Babson App
Click on the “Events” button on the bottom bar
Click on “My Events”
Select the “Spring Concert" event
Select the “View” button to access your ticket
Babson Host Duties:
Concert goers without a physical OneCard (or Olin/Wellesley ID)/Babson host with a physical OneCard will NOT be allowed into Royale. No exceptions. Any non-Babson guest must be with their host at all times, 18+, bring a physical valid US driver's license or valid passport (international passports accepted), and adhere to College policy. If they violate College policy, the ugrad host may also be held responsible